The European Commission has laid the basis for the Career Management Skills (CMS) concept, a set of core competencies that every citizen should have in order to orient themselves in a complex and dynamic society (Council of the European Union, Resolution on Better Integration Lifelong guidance in lifelong learning strategies, 2008).
This concept is central to both providing people with the skills to face and solve the problems and difficulties associated with the choices of study and work paths suited to their characteristics, capabilities and potential, and to reorganize, qualify and evaluate the services And national orientation programs.
In this logic, the international project LE.A.DE.R. (LEarning And DEcision Making Resources) has experimented in a variety of European contexts with a set of models
And guidance resources, to promote, in professional practice, a shared framework that is consistent with European guidelines.

Here below you can find the materials presented during the conference.



Maurizio Del Conte, President of ANPAL Servizi

Photo courtesy of ANPAL

Flavio Corradini, Rector of Camerino University

Photo courtesy of Unicam.it


Career Management Skills: a challenge for lifelong guidance systems - Moderator: Giulio Iannis, Centro Studi Pluriversum

Career guidance as CMS learning Francesco Lo Presti, Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope

New resources for career guidance and transitions. THE LE.A.DE.R project
Elisabetta Torregiani, Università di Camerino


Guidance models for the transition from School to Work - Tommaso Cumbo, ANPAL Servizi
Rounded table

Here you can download all products of the project. Please click here to fill out the survey about the conference

Final Conference in Rome - Complete Gallery

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